Friday 31 July 2009


Tossing and turning in my bed at about 4.30 am couldn't sleep cause i had an argument with my man the day before and i hadn't called or spoken to him after. Ladies don't you just HATE it when u become handicap cause u not on good term with your man but he seems to go on with his day just fine... he didn't even call or text to find out why i didn't call or text him i was real PISSED and lonely and sad and miserable (lololol ok let me stop ) .... so for the next 2 hrs different thoughts kept running through my mind and I COULD NOT SLEEP and i had to be up at at exactly 7.33am i called him , his phone rang out the first time and i thought nahhhh not after i've put my pride down i called first i better get an answer, so i called back and he picked up. So i started pouring out my heart faster than my mouth could carry and he says babe am driving a stick , rushing to work am late i'll call u as soon as i get to work and i felt like a deflated balloon ... but in less than 20mins he calls me and says those 3 letter words that turn my ragging lion in to a meek baby and that was it seriously that was it. Don't you really hate it when all they has to do is say I Love You and we become mush, all the stuff we have rehearsed to say and major points we had written down so we don't forget...everything goes out the window....we really do make it easy for our men you know... but what can we really do ..when it comes to love there no rules baby....I luvv it... i want to thank my baby sis for hooking up my page looks so fab my luv... thank you sis...

Thursday 30 July 2009

Welcome to Bella's Simple Thoughts

Well Hiiiii everyone,

I am Bella and am going to be blogging my thoughts....sometimes i have so many things on my mind and i cant say it but with this...;-) i can air my views, thoughts and opinions and if you ever need an HONEST opinion on anything , i mean anything i'll be so glad to give my 2 cents... so i hope you all will enjoy this as much as i will...